Mylton Burns

Principal  |  Commercial Litigation


(07) 3231 0625


Mylton is a strong communicator, which underlies his success as a commercial lawyer.

Mylton is one of Australia's leading commercial litigation lawyers and a Principal in the firm's Commercial team. With over 30 years of experience, he has successfully run some of Australia's most prominent commercial litigation cases.

His work generally comprises professional indemnity, advising directors and officers, and other commercial insurance work. He counsels the responsible principals of accounting, legal and other professional service firms on how to best protect their businesses from claims by and against former clients, suppliers and exiting partners.

Mylton has built a strong reputation in Queensland through his extensive experience, ongoing relationships with clients, and his strategic approach to dispute resolution. He is a powerhouse of strategic communication and an industry leader.


CAREER highlights


  • Bachelor Of Laws, Queensland University Of Technology 
  • Master Of Laws (Commercial Law), Queensland University Of Technology 

Awards and recognition

  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2022 | Insurance Law
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2022 | Litigation
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2022 | Professional Malpractice Litigation
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2021 | Insurance Law
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2021 | Litigation
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2021 | Professional Malpractice Litigation
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2020 | Insurance Law
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2019 | Insurance Law
  • Best Lawyers In Australia 2018 | Insurance Law

community involvement

  • Member, Queensland Law Society
  • Committee Member, QLD Law Society Practice Management Committee


Client Solutions

Client problem

A senior staff member was stealing business, therefore in breach of his duties to his employer and contractual restraints.

outcome achieved

Mylton negotiated compensation and consent orders for an injunction within a short period by agreeing to his acting for a small group of clients whose business was inevitably lost.

Berkley Insurance Australia
Client problem

An unpaid seven-figure insurance premium on an unusual premium arrangement for a national group of Uber vehicle owners. 

outcome achieved

Mylton recommended a reduced premium at mediation out of concern over calculation issues and the solvency of the defendant.

Private Client
Client problem

Indemnity sought by the owner of a high rise building against a claim by an adjoining owner regarding whose land the building encroached. In these circumstances, the encroachment could not safely be removed due to design issues.

outcome achieved

Mylton successfully achieved an agreement at a first mediation for the appointment of an independent engineer to review and certify design as adequate for the removal of the encroachment. Because this involved no changes to the design or construction the basis of the claim was entirely removed and the matter then settled for a modest sum covering costs.


Mylton BurnsINSIGHTS

Cape Tribulation Zipline Tragedy: Legal Insights and Court Ruling on WHS Compliance
Aged Care Providers – Will Your Insurance Cover Some Costs Associated With the Royal Commission?

"Mylton Burns of McInnes Wilson has been our trusted legal adviser for more than 10 years. The firm's expertise in the intricacies of legal matters involved in managing a large professional service practice such as ours has been invaluable.

In addition to routine matters, McInnes Wilson has guided us through situations requiring specialised advice, including restraint of trade and the structuring and application of partner agreements."

Tall Staff Image of Mylton Burns

Get in touch with Mylton Burns today


(07) 3231 0625