About McInnes Wilson Lawyers
McInnes Wilson Lawyers consistently out-performs larger competitors on price, service, value and technical excellence across a broad range of specialised legal services
Inspired | Focused | Accomplished
Established in 1975, McInnes Wilson Lawyers is a full-service national firm with a wealth of experience across a broad range of specialised legal services. Their experience allows their lawyers to appreciate the challenges you face and assist you in overcoming them quickly and efficiently.
Areas of Law
Pro Bono Hours / Year
Happy Clients / Year
Global Affiliations
Global Affiliations
McInnes Wilson Lawyers is proud to be an affiliate of Globalaw, a leading worldwide network comprising over 89 independent law firms more than 5,000 lawyers practising in over 75 countries.
Globalaw firms provide excellent local knowledge and local expertise accessible on a global scale. Affiliated firms are well known and established firms within their jurisdiction and provide a full range of legal services.
As an appointed affiliate of this network, McInnes Wilson Lawyers look forward to participating in international referrals and welcome this international expansion.
McInnes Wilson Lawyers is proud to be an affiliate of Globalaw, a leading worldwide network comprising over 89 independent law firms more than 5,000 lawyers practising in over 75 countries.
Globalaw law firms provide excellent local knowledge and local expertise accessible on a global scale. Affiliated firms are well known and established firms within their jurisdiction and provide a full range of legal services.
As an appointed affiliate of this network, we look forward to participating in international referrals and welcome this international expansion.
Independent Law Firms
Global Success
company Purchase

company Purchase
Chuo Sogo Law Office, P.C. of Tokyo referred a transaction to McInnes Wilson Lawyers concerning the purchase of an interest in an Australian company. The scope of work included due diligence, negotiation and advice on transaction agreements and advice on related regulatory matters.
contract Dispute

contract Dispute
Gordon Dadds LLP of England referred a transaction to McInnes Wilson Lawyers concerning a dispute between two parties to a movie production agreement; the parties had agreed that disputes were to be adjudicated by the courts of Australia. The scope of the work included advising, making formal demands and other steps necessary to resolve the dispute caused by a default of a party.
Assisted Singaporean Law Firm Stephenson Harwood (LLP) – after finding the firm through Globalaw – Prepared a due diligence report for the Australian arm of their client’s business as part of a reverse takeover acquisition. The client was an international Escape Room Franchise Network with their head office in Malaysia.
McInnes Wilson Lawyers of Australia later assisted the same company directly in 2018 when they purchased the business of one of their Franchisees operating in Adelaide. The matter was a business asset purchase and included assisting them in obtaining a liquor licence.
Corporate Sustainability
McInnes Wilson Lawyers is passionate about making a positive difference to the environment. In supporting this passion and commitment, the firm has developed a sustainability action plan which aims to guide and support the firm's sustainability agenda.
The sustainability action plan was developed to reduce the firm's impact on the environment and is closely aligned to McInnes Wilson Lawyers' core business strategy, providing a framework for understanding and managing environmental impacts.
The following initiatives and programs have been executed:
Sensor Lighting
Server Virtualisation Technology
Teleconference Equipment
Consumption Recycling
Earth Friendly Products
Office Recycling
Sustainable Paper Use
Electronic Filing

mcinnes wilson lawyer's policies
Planning and developing infrastructure is a crucial part of community growth. Take the measures necessary to ensure you have legal guidance that will preserve and protect your interests throughout all stages.
Code of conduct policy
Advise On Development Application Process
All employees of McInnes Wilson Lawyers must comply with the firm’s Code of Conduct policy. This policy require staff to follow the highest possible standards of ethics, integrity and behaviour in all situations.
Any failure to comply with these standards may be met with disciplinary action, varying on the level of seriousness of the breach.
If you wish to read McInnes Wilson Lawyers’ Code of Conduct policy, you can do so here.
Different developments require different processes for your application to be approved. Make sure you are aware of the necessary steps to take to go forwards.
ethical and human rights policy
Heritage Protection
McInnes Wilson Lawyers strongly believes in upholding the human rights of all staff across all seven offices. They are committed to implementing and maintaining ethical practices and principles considered acceptable on a human rights level.
This policy is applicable and to be adhered to by everyone employed at the firm, covering matters of discrimination, diversity, labour, compensation and more.
To view the firm’s complete Ethical and Human Rights Policy, click here.
Ensure that you are taking the right steps to protect and preserve cultural heritage, both now and in the future.
modern slavery statement
Infrastructure Charges, Agreements, And Advice
As a national law firm, McInnes Wilson Lawyers strongly believes in keeping the community safe by speaking out and acting on matters that aim to protect it. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (NSW) are fully supported by the firm, with their policies proudly implemented across all seven offices.
Both of these Acts are designed to eradicate modern slavery and by following their guidelines, McInnes Wilson Lawyers is able to play a part in assisting with this goal.
You can view the firm’s policy and more information on the Modern Slavery Acts here.
It is important that infrastructure charges are calculated correctly. Be sure to have reliable legal assistance that will safeguard your development interests.