webinar  | employment & industrial relations

When is a redundancy a ‘genuine redundancy’?

26 April, 10:ooam
Location: Online

In our next instalment of Morning Tea with McInnes Wilson we will investigate what makes a redundancy a "genuine redundancy", and how to implement workplace changes effectively, safely and respectively. 

Join Employee and Industrial Relations Principal, James Christensen on 26 April 2024, as he looks at: 

  1. Understanding Genuine Redundancy: Delve into the nuances of what constitutes a "genuine redundancy" and gain insights into navigating this aspect of employment law effectively.

  2. Effective Workplace Change Management: Learn strategies for implementing workplace changes with a focus on safety and respect, ensuring a smooth transition for all parties involved.

  3. Legal Insights from Recent Case Law: Dissect the implications of the recent Helensburgh Coal Pty Ltd v Bartley decision, shedding light on its significance in assessing redeployment options and its impact on organisational decision-making.

Register now to earn 0.5 CPD and join us for a morning of critical discussions and practical advice essential for HR Practitioners and Legal Teams navigating the complexities of redundancy and workplace change. 

0.5 cpd
26 April

Don't miss out!